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International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

ISSN: 1178-2005

Journal Articles:

Epidemiology, Etiology, and Demography of COPD: Who, When, and How?

The prevalence of COPD varies by country, age, sex, and genetic susceptibility. The main risk factors for COPD include environmental factors such as indoor and outdoor air pollution, occupational exposure to dust and fumes, and tobacco smoking. In addition, passive smoking in early childhood and intrauterine exposure predispose individuals to develop COPD with age. Environmental risk factors differ in developing countries compared to industrialized countries. Endogenous risk factors for COPD include genetic predisposition, sex and racial differences in susceptibility to COPD, and the presence of respiratory problems in childhood. This Article Collection collects papers on topics including but not limited to epidemiological, translational, and health outcomes research. We invite research exploring the natural history and epidemiology of COPD in various geographic locations around the globe, individual and combined risk factors, sex and racial differences in COPD presentation, and associations with social determinants of health.

COPD in Never-Smokers: BOLD Australia Study

Ivey MA, Smith SM, Benke G, Toelle BG, Hunter ML, James AL, Maguire GP, Wood-Baker R, Johns DP, Marks GB, Abramson MJ

International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 2024, 19:161-174

Published Date: 17 January 2024

Prevalence and Associated Factors of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Among Adults in Neno District, Malawi: A Cross-Sectional Analytical Study

Zaniku HR, Connolly E, Aron MB, Matanje BL, Ndambo MK, Talama GC, Munyaneza F, Ruderman T, Rylance J, Dullie LW, Lalitha R, Banda NPK, Muula AS

International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 2024, 19:389-401

Published Date: 5 February 2024

Exacerbation Burden in COPD and Occurrence of Mortality in a Cohort of Italian Patients: Results of the Gulp Study

Santus P, Di Marco F, Braido F, Contoli M, Corsico AG, Micheletto C, Pelaia G, Radovanovic D, Rogliani P, Saderi L, Scichilone N, Tanzi S, Vella M, Boarino S, Sotgiu G, Solidoro P

International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 2024, 19:607-618

Published Date: 1 March 2024

COPD in People with HIV: Epidemiology, Pathogenesis, Management, and Prevention Strategies

Byanova KL, Abelman R, North CM, Christenson SA, Huang L

International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 2023, 18:2795-2817

Published Date: 29 November 2023