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Clinical Interventions in Aging

ISSN: 1178-1998

Journal Articles:

Masters Athletics: Lessons for physical interventions in aging

While, compelling evidence suggests that regular exercise can prevent and mitigate the most frequent age-related diseases in Western societies, our current capability of involving aging populations in physical activity programs is often discouraging. Masters athletes engage in competitive sports in different adult age groups and can achieve outstanding competition performances even at an advanced age. The vast majority of this cohort of older people still exercise vigorously and compete on a regular basis. This Article Collection, therefore, collects papers that use information from masters athletes in order to underpin and facilitate physical interventions in aging, including include mental as well as physical well-being.

Sports Participation Promotes Beneficial Adaptations in the Erythrocyte Guanylate Nucleotide Pool in Male Athletes Aged 20–90 Years

Pospieszna B, Kusy K, Slominska EM, Ciekot-Sołtysiak M, Zieliński J

Clinical Interventions in Aging 2023, 18:987-997

Published Date: 22 June 2023

Study of Morpho-Functional Characteristics of the Cardiovascular System According to Electrocardiography, Phonocardiography, Echocardiography in Masters Athletics

Safonicheva O, Kryuchkova K, Lazareva I, Chekulaev P, Ovchinnikova M, Kurshev V, Budanova E, Gameeva V, Gavrilov V, Epishev V, Zaborova V

Clinical Interventions in Aging 2023, 18:2079-2092

Published Date: 13 December 2023

Age-Related Study of Anthropometry Indicators, Body Composition, Strength and Vital Capacity at Masters Athletics: How to Postpone Sarcopenia

Safonicheva O, Zaborova V, Lazareva I, Kryuchkova K, Bolotskaya A, Ovchinnikova M, Popova C, Putilo V, Rybakov V, Kotovskiy S, Nikitin M

Clinical Interventions in Aging 2023, 18:2155-2164

Published Date: 19 December 2023