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Breast Cancer: Targets and Therapy

ISSN: 1179-1314

Journal Articles:

This series is guest-edited by Dr Steven Greco (Rutgers New Jersey Medical School). It features four articles from experts in the field of breast cancer research with a focus on aging. The topics range from investigations of the effects of aging-related treatments on breast cancer cells to development of an algorithm to optimize chemopreventive therapy selection for older women. Also included is a comprehensive review of recent advances and combination therapeutic approaches in immunotherapy for HER2-positive breast cancers. The series will serve as an important translational resource to both researchers and clinicians interested in aging-related cancers.

Breast cancer prevention in older women: an algorithm to choose an optimal preventive agent

Ozdemir BZ, Goodin JB, Bodenner DL

Breast Cancer: Targets and Therapy 2019, 11:81-86

Published Date: 19 February 2019

Thyronamine regulation of TAAR1 expression in breast cancer cells and investigation of its influence on viability and migration

Tremmel E, Hofmann S, Kuhn C, Heidegger H, Heublein S, Hermelink K, Wuerstlein R, Harbeck N, Mayr D, Mahner S, Ditsch N, Jeschke U, Vattai A

Breast Cancer: Targets and Therapy 2019, 11:87-97

Published Date: 19 February 2019

The antiestrogenic effects of black cohosh on BRCA1 and steroid receptors in breast cancer cells

Crone M, Hallman K, Lloyd V, Szmyd M, Badamo B, Morse M, Dinda S

Breast Cancer: Targets and Therapy 2019, 11:99-110

Published Date: 19 February 2019