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Biologics: Targets and Therapy

ISSN: 1177-5491

Editor-in-Chief: Professor Shein-Chung Chow

ISSN: 1177-5475 (Print) - went to online only in 2009

An international, peer reviewed journal focusing on the patho-physiological rationale for, and clinical application of, Biologic agents and their Biosimilars in the management of autoimmune diseases, cancers, or other pathologies where a molecular target can be identified.

This journal is a member of and subscribes to the principles of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).







Latest articles:

- 5 records -

Investigating the Underlying Molecular Mechanisms of Yunke on Bone Metastases from Prostate Cancer

Liu S, Tian Z, Zhang T, Zhang J, Huo Y, Ma C

Biologics: Targets and Therapy 2024, 18:195-206

Published Date: 22 July 2024

STAT5B Suppresses Ferroptosis by Promoting DCAF13 Transcription to Regulate p53/xCT Pathway to Promote Mantle Cell Lymphoma Progression

Zhang WJ, Hu CL, Guo BL, Liang XP, Wang CY, Yang T

Biologics: Targets and Therapy 2024, 18:181-193

Published Date: 4 July 2024

Enzymatic Routes for Chiral Amine Synthesis: Protein Engineering and Process Optimization

Vikhrankar SS, Satbhai S, Kulkarni P, Ranbhor R, Ramakrishnan V, Kodgire P

Biologics: Targets and Therapy 2024, 18:165-179

Published Date: 25 June 2024

Osteoimmune Interaction and TH-1/TH-2 Ratio in Jawbone Marrow Defects: An Underestimated Association – Original Research

Lechner J, von Baehr V, Notter F, Schick F

Biologics: Targets and Therapy 2024, 18:147-161

Published Date: 6 June 2024

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