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Pragmatic and Observational Research

ISSN: 1179-7266

Journal Articles:

Real world data and AI/machine learning for drug development and drug evaluations

This Article Collection focuses on studies that use real world data (RWD) and artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to conduct drug development and drug evaluation research. Our goal is to highlight the integration of RWD with AI/ML to promote pragmatic and observational research. RWD, such as electronic health records (EHRs) and insurance claims, when combined with AI/ML, offer a unique opportunity to develop innovative approaches to conduct drug development and evaluation research. By combining AI/ML and RWD, drug development and evaluation can become more data-driven, efficient, and patient-centric, ultimately leading to faster discovery, development, and delivery of safe and effective drugs.

Using Claims Data to Predict Pre-Operative BMI Among Bariatric Surgery Patients: Development of the BMI Before Bariatric Surgery Scoring System (B3S3)

Wong J, Li X, Arterburn DE, Li D, Messenger-Jones E, Wang R, Toh S

Pragmatic and Observational Research 2024, 15:65-78

Published Date: 27 March 2024