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Nature and Science of Sleep

ISSN: 1179-1608

Journal Articles:

The Intersection of Wearables and Sleep Medicine

Physiological and behavioral sensing from wearable devices provides a unique opportunity to capture an individual’s condition and health status in situ, passively, over time. As a result, wearable technology has provided unprecedented insight and progress to both clinical care and consumer wellness. Sleep science is one of the first disciplines to harvest the potential of these advanced non-invasive technologies to accurately screen, diagnose, and monitor for abnormalities or illness. To highlight the critical uses of wearables for sleep science, we are providing a platform for groundbreaking research. We hope the articles in this Collection will serve to offer insights into, and foster a dialogue around, this rapidly evolving interdisciplinary field.

Comparison of OPPO Watch Sleep Analyzer and Polysomnography for Obstructive Sleep Apnea Screening

Zhou G, Zhao W, Zhang Y, Zhou W, Yan H, Wei Y, Tang Y, Zeng Z, Cheng H

Nature and Science of Sleep 2024, 16:125-141

Published Date: 8 February 2024

Impact of Preoperative Sleep Disturbances on Postoperative Delirium in Patients with Intracranial Tumors: A Prospective, Observational, Cohort Study

Liu Y, Zhang X, Jiang M, Zhang Y, Wang C, Sun Y, Shi Z, Wang B

Nature and Science of Sleep 2023, 15:1093-1105

Published Date: 21 December 2023