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International Journal of General Medicine

ISSN: 1178-7074

Journal Articles:

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the future of General Medicine 

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a wide-ranging branch of computer science concerned with building smart machines capable of performing tasks that typically require human intelligence. AI in varying forms and degrees has been used to develop and advance a wide spectrum of fields including medicine and healthcare. AI can identify meaningful relationships in raw data, it can support diagnostic, treatment, and prediction outcomes in many medical situations. AI can automate a substantial portion of the manual work and speed up the process. AI based techniques help in identifying targets for intervention, discovering drug candidates, speeding up clinical trials, finding Biomarkers for diagnosing the disease. This Article Collection reports on applications in the healthcare and medicine domain that benefit from the AI technologies including Machine learning, Reinforcement learning and deep learning.

Impact of AI-Powered Solutions in Rehabilitation Process: Recent Improvements and Future Trends

Khalid U, Naeem M, Stasolla F, Syed MH, Abbas M, Coronato A

International Journal of General Medicine 2024, 17:943-969

Published Date: 12 March 2024