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ImmunoTargets and Therapy

ISSN: 2253-1556

Journal Articles:

The Role of Natural Killer Cells in Disease

Natural killer (NK) cells were first identified by Dr. Ronald B. Herberman, who unfortunately passed away several years ago. Since their first identification, it was clear that these cells expressed anti-tumor activity and were initially named natural cytotoxicity (NC) cells, and later as NK cells. Although they respond to danger whilst circulating in the peripheral blood, they can rapidly migrate into sites of immune reactions in peripheral tissues. It is also apparent that whilst responsible for killing tumor cells, they additionally display an immunoregulatory function. Consequently, they react to microbes, particularly virally-infected cells, as well as protecting the immune system by depleting unwanted antigen-presenting cells - which can sometimes be detrimental due to provoking autoimmunity. This Article Collection explores the involvement and/or therapeutic potentials of NK cells in various diseases.