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Pharmacogenomics and Personalized Medicine

ISSN: 1178-7066

Journal Articles:

Breaking Down the Intricacies of Catabolic Enzymes

Genetic polymorphisms are one way in which people vary from one another. While initial thoughts of "variance" might include a person’s physical features, it is well established that the body’s internal processes are also subject to differ dependent on a multitude of factors. This could include traits that follow them from birth, but also polypharmacy, or even diet. In line with the advances in modern medicine and genetic testing, research has started to explore the plethora of information linked to catabolic enzyme polymorphisms. This can involve specifying polymorphisms of interest, such as the Cytochrome P450 (CYP) family such as those including the location on the chromosome, possible allelic variations and the impact of these polymorphisms on their parent compound, metabolites or other molecules. This Collection explores the role of catabolic enzyme polymorphisms for a wide variety of disease areas, such as oncology, pulmonology, immunology, psychology, cardiology and more.

Pharmacogenomic Analysis of CYP3A5*3 and Tacrolimus Trough Concentrations in Vietnamese Renal Transplant Outcomes

Nguyen TVA, Le BH, Nguyen MT, Le VT, Tran VT, Le DT, Vu DAM, Truong QK, Le TH, Nguyen HTL

Pharmacogenomics and Personalized Medicine 2024, 17:53-64

Published Date: 3 February 2024

Three Liquid-Liquid Phase Separation-Related Genes Associated with Prognosis in Glioma

Lv L, Zhang X, Liu Y, Zhu X, Pan R, Huang L

Pharmacogenomics and Personalized Medicine 2024, 17:171-181

Published Date: 22 April 2024

Identification of P3H1 as a Predictive Prognostic Biomarker for Bladder Urothelial Carcinoma Based on the Cancer Genome Atlas Database

Zhang Y, Chen Y, Chen Z, Zhou X, Chen S, Lan K, Wang Z, Zhang Y

Pharmacogenomics and Personalized Medicine 2023, 16:1041-1053

Published Date: 1 December 2023