Back to Journals » Clinical Interventions in Aging » Promoting Physical Activity Participation as a Strategy for Protecting the Health of Older Adults in a Changing Climate

Clinical Interventions in Aging

ISSN: 1178-1998

Journal Articles:

Promoting Physical Activity Participation as a Strategy for Protecting the Health of Older Adults in a Changing Climate

Climate change is impacting the health of individuals worldwide. According to the World Health Organization, between the years 2030 and 2050, approximately 250,000 additional deaths per year are expected to occur due to climate change. A higher frequency of extreme weather events, such as heat waves and floods, causing disrupted food systems and climate migration, are just a few examples of current and impending global conditions. Older adults are consistently reported as a population most susceptible to the health consequences of a changing climate. This Article Collection broadly explores the potential for physical activity participation to provide protection for older adults against the health consequences of climate change.