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Are Different Versions of ChatGPT’s Ability Comparable to the Clinical Diagnosis Presented in Case Reports? A Descriptive Study

Authors Chen J , Liu L, Ruan S, Li M, Yin C 

Received 23 September 2023

Accepted for publication 26 November 2023

Published 6 December 2023 Volume 2023:16 Pages 3825—3831


Checked for plagiarism Yes

Review by Single anonymous peer review

Peer reviewer comments 2

Editor who approved publication: Dr Scott Fraser

Jingfang Chen,1– 3 Linlin Liu,3 Shujin Ruan,3 Mengjun Li,3 Chengliang Yin1

1Faculty of Medicine, Macau University of Science and Technology, Macau, People’s Republic of China; 2Department of Research and Teaching, the Third People’s Hospital of Shenzhen, Shenzhen, People’s Republic of China; 3Hengyang Medical School, School of Nursing, University of South China, Hengyang, People’s Republic of China

Correspondence: Chengliang Yin, Faculty of Medicine, Macau University of Science and Technology, Macau, People’s Republic of China, Email [email protected]

Objective: ChatGPT, an advanced language model developed by OpenAI, holds the opportunity to bring about a transformation in the processing of clinical decision-making within the realm of medicine. Despite the growing popularity of research related on ChatGPT, there is a paucity of research assessing its appropriateness for clinical decision support. Our study delved into ChatGPT’s ability to respond in accordance with the diagnoses found in case reports, with the intention of serving as a reference for clinical decision-making.
Methods: We included 147 case reports from the Chinese Medical Association Journal Database that generated primary and secondary diagnoses covering various diseases. Each question was independently posed three times to both GPT-3.5 and GPT-4.0, respectively. The results were analyzed regarding ChatGPT’s mean scores and accuracy types.
Results: GPT-4.0 displayed moderate accuracy in primary diagnoses. With the increasing number of input, a corresponding enhancement in the accuracy of ChatGPT’s outputs became evident. Notably, autoimmune diseases comprised the largest proportion of case reports, and the mean score for primary diagnosis exhibited statistically significant differences in autoimmune diseases.
Conclusion: Our finding suggested that the potential practicality in utilizing ChatGPT for clinical decision-making. To enhance the accuracy of ChatGPT, it is necessary to integrate it with the existing electronic health record system in the future.

Keywords: ChatGPT, artificial intelligence, clinical decision support systems, case reports


ChatGPT leverages large language models (LLMs) developed by OpenAI to generate text that closely resembles human writing, advancing scientific inquiry. It is modeled on the Generative Pretrained Transformer (GPT), which undergo extensive training on large text corpora. This training involves creating question-and-answer tasks with a user-friendly interface. Since its introduction, researchers have explored the practical value of clinical medicine, such as drug development, image recognition, data analysis, improving medical reports, providing medical information, conducting literature reviews, and personalizing medicine.1–4 A study evaluated the performance of GPT-4.0 in radiology, with a 54% overall accuracy, which showed its potential as a valuable tool in radiology.5 Furthermore, ChatGPT facilitates healthcare professionals grasping the key insights in their respective domains,6 and can be employed as a tool to assess clinical skills.7 These applications hold groundbreaking importance, given that 60% of Americans actively seek medical information online.8 The AI chatbot assistant generated high-quality and empathetic responses to online inquiries, which may decrease the demand for doctor visits and hospital consultations.9 Additionally, the output of high-quality and empathetic responses may have a positive impact on patients’ health-related behaviors and enhance clinical outcomes.

Clinical decision-making is often influenced by physicians’ clinical thinking and patients’ complex condition, which may lead to cognitive bias.10 AI models could aid the clinical decision support systems (CDSS). AI-based CDSS provides medical information and recommendations for diagnosis and treatment to clinicians. These systems leverage extensive medical knowledge, employing algorithms to emulate the clinical diagnosis and treatment thought of clinicians. ChatGPT could assist with clinical decision support, which achieves optimization of clinical decision-making. Previous studies reported that GPT-3 have been used in clinical settings, such as ophthalmology and dementia prediction.11–13 Rao14 found that ChatGPT achieved an overall accuracy rate of 71.7% across all 36 clinical cases. Stokel15 revealed that ChatGPT could answer some open-ended medical queries almost as well as the average physician. Furthermore, ChatGPT achieves moderate accuracy in radiologic decision making.16 These findings underscore the potential for ChatGPT to assist clinical decision-making and optimize CDSS.

The case report is a common genre in medical articles, involving the documentation and description of individual case with the aim of providing firsthand medical information on aspects, such as disease presentation, mechanisms, diagnosis, and treatment. Case reports are widely recognized and valued by clinicians and encompass a variety of topics, including rare diseases, adverse drug reactions, and disease-specific clinical manifestations. Patients exhibit diverse manifestations and etiologies, complicating the diagnostic process. Clinicians must make decisions based on intricate information.17 Among downloaded case reports, autoimmune diseases being much more common. Approximately 5% of the worldwide population is affected by autoimmune diseases.18 Autoimmune diseases represent a family of at least 80 conditions that share common pathogenesis.19,20 It has been reported that autoimmune diseases are a leading cause of death among young and middle-aged women.21 Due to their complex pathogenic mechanisms, the clinical treatment of autoimmune diseases is challenging and poses a heavy burden on patients. In the case of rare diseases, clinicians may also face difficulty in making timely and accurate diagnosis.

In the context of rare diseases or specific disease subtypes, clinicians frequently encounter diagnostic challenges stemming from their limited experience and the scarcity of pertinent reference. ChatGPT can offer a potential list of disease diagnoses based on the clinical data provided by physicians, aiding in preliminary screening and differential diagnosis, thereby reducing the risk of misdiagnosis or underdiagnosis. Moreover, it could be linked to medical databases and guideline websites, providing authoritative guidance and treatment recommendations. This comprehensive information equips healthcare professionals to gain a deeper understanding of the condition and manage disease more effectively. As of now, there is no official guideline outlining the standards for utilizing LLMs like ChatGPT in academic medicine.22 Consequently, the objective of this study is to assess the accuracy of ChatGPT’s responses aligned with evidence-based case reports.


Study Design

In this descriptive study, we aimed to assess the capacity of ChatGPT to deliver accurate responses based on evidence drawn from case reports. Furthermore, we conducted an evaluation of the accuracy of GPT-3.5 and GPT-4.0 in diagnostic types. All case reports were gathered from the Chinese Medical Association Journal Database (, which serves as a prominent position as the foremost repository, including numerous journals in medicine.

The inclusion of case reports were as follows: (1) publication between January 1, 2013 and June 1, 2023; (2) a definitive diagnosis of the illness; (3) main text include: summary of medical history, signs and symptoms, diagnostic approach, treatment and clinical regression. The exclusion were: (1) duplicate publications; (2) unable to access full text; (3) Chinese medicine therapy, nursing or disease management-related case reports. We used the following search terms: Title=“disease” AND “Article type”=Case report AND Publication time=[2013-01-01 TO 2023-06-01]. Around 285 case reports showed up. Finally, our analysis included 147 case reports. All included case reports were published in Chinese. As this study did not involve human subjects, it did not necessitate approval from an institutional review board or the procurement of informed consent.

Study Data

Disease-related data from 147 case reports were independently input into GPT-3.5 and GPT-4.0 on three times, and the outputs were recorded to assess the reproducibility of ChatGPT. Two senior clinical experts independently evaluated these outputs and assigned scores to each response. The responses were categorized as either “consistent”, “partially consistent”, or “inconsistent”. The overall score for each case was assessed on a scale ranging from 0 to 3, based on the number of “consistent” responses. Disparate viewpoints were harmonized through a panel discourse.

Statistical Analysis

Data analysis was conducted using SPSS 25.0 software. Quantitative variables were reported as means±SD (standard deviations), while categorical variables were described by indicating the absolute number of cases within each distinct group. The paired t-test was employed to assess normally distributed data. Differences between groups were evaluated for statistical significance using the chi-square test, with significant differences of P < 0.05.


Baseline Characteristics

A list of scores from 147 case reports is provided in Supplementary Table 1. The downloaded case reports pertained to various systems, including the immune system, central nervous system, lymphatic system, respiratory system, endocrine system, cardiovascular system, skeletal muscle system, and others. Among these, autoimmune disorders accounted for 37% of the case reports, followed by central nervous system (20%), respiratory system (11%), and lymphatic system (10%). When considering individual diseases, IgG4-related diseases comprised 33% of the case reports, with lymphoproliferative disorders (10%), neuromyelitis optica-spectrum disorders (8%), and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (5%).

Comparison of Mean Scores in Diagnostic Types

Table 1 displayed a comparison of mean scores between GPT-3.5 and GPT-4.0. A significant difference was observed in the mean scores of the primary diagnosis between the GPT-3.5 and GPT-4.0 (P=0.013). GPT-4.0 displayed a higher score in the diagnoses than GPT-3.5.

Table 1 Comparison of Mean Scores in Diagnostic Types

Comparison of Mean Scores in Different Systems

Figure 1 showed the mean scores of different systems between GPT-3.5 and GPT-4.0. ChatGPT generally exhibited higher accuracy in the prevalent diseases than rare diseases. In terms of the primary diagnoses, a significant difference was observed in the mean score of the autoimmune system between the GPT-3.5 (0.84±1.11) and GPT-4.0 (1.07±1.29). There were no significant differences in central nervous system, lymphatic system, and respiratory system. In central nervous system, the mean score for GPT-3.5 and GPT-4.0 were (0.87±1.20) and (1.03±1.28), respectively. In lymphatic system, the mean score for GPT-3.5 and GPT-4.0 were (0.50±0.91) and (0.86±1.25), respectively. In respiratory system, the mean score for GPT-3.5 and GPT-4.0 were (1.69±1.40) and (1.75±1.35), respectively.

Figure 1 Comparison of mean scores and diagnostic types according to GPT-3.5 and GPT-4.0. (A) The mean scores of primary diagnoses in different systems, (B) The mean scores of secondary diagnoses in different systems, (C) The accuracy of primary diagnoses, (D) The accuracy of secondary diagnoses.

Abbreviations: AS, autoimmune system; CNS, central nervous system; LS, lymphatic system; RS, respiratory system.

Regarding secondary diagnoses, there were no significant difference in autoimmune system, central nervous system, lymphatic system, and respiratory system. In autoimmune system, the mean score for GPT-3.5 and GPT-4.0 were (0.50±0.39) and (0.54±0.36), respectively. In central nervous system, the mean score for GPT-3.5 and GPT-4.0 were (0.44±0.46) and (0.50±0.50), respectively. In lymphatic system, the mean score for GPT-3.5 and GPT-4.0 were (0.59±0.34) and (0.63±0.40), respectively. In respiratory system, the mean score for GPT-3.5 and GPT-4.0 were (0.71±0.32) and (0.60±0.37), respectively.

Comparison of Accuracy in Diagnostic Types

Despite no statistically difference in the comparison of diagnostic types between GPT-3.5 and GPT-4.0, GPT-4.0 generally excelled than GPT-3.5. In the primary diagnosis, GPT-3.5 showed 22.45% of outputs completely consistent, 22.45% partially consistent, and 55.10% inconsistent. GPT-4.0 demonstrated 31.29% of outputs completely consistent, 21.09% partially consistent, and 47.62% inconsistent. In the secondary diagnosis, GPT-3.5 had 29.55% of outputs completely consistent, 47.73% partially consistent, and 22.72% inconsistent. GPT-4.0 displayed 40.91% of outputs completely consistent, 34.09% partially consistent, and 25.00% inconsistent (Figure 1).

On three separate input times, we submitted identical query to both GPT-3.5 and GPT-4.0, respectively. As illustrated in Tables 2 and 3, the accuracy of the output in the third time slightly surpassed that of the first output.

Table 2 Comparison of the Diagnostic Types in Primary Diagnoses

Table 3 Comparison of the Diagnostic Types in Secondary Diagnoses


In this study, we revealed that GPT-4.0 displayed moderate accuracy in the primary diagnosis, indicating its potential usefulness as an adjunct for clinical diagnosis. ChatGPT could generate potential diagnoses based on patient symptoms, medical history, and laboratory test results.23 Despite no statistically significant difference between the GPT-3.5 and GPT-4.0 groups, the results suggested a potential refinement in GPT-4.0’s comprehension and processing of medical information. GPT-4.0 manifests profound grasp of input context, consequently enhancing the accuracy of the generated text.

In terms of the output process, GPT-4.0 provided disease diagnoses accompanied by comprehensive explanations. And GPT-4.0 generally answered quicker than GPT-3.5, possibly due to the hardware enhancements and algorithmic improvements. Duey24 found that GPT-3.5 tend to cite nonexistent references, while GPT-4.0 was more conservative in its responses. However, ChatGPT occasionally provided illogical or incorrect output. The references generated by ChatGPT have not undergone validation.15 Clinicians should be cautious and verify the safety and efficacy of information provided by ChatGPT.

Among the downloaded case reports, a significant proportion pertained to rare diseases. The low prevalence of rare diseases presents formidable challenges in accurately diagnosing and providing care for affected patients.25 Rare diseases are frequently responsible for chronic illness, disability, and premature death. Despite enduring extensive and costly evaluations at different hospitals, patients frequently experience underdiagnoses or misdiagnoses,26,27 exacerbating the burden on their quality of life and their families, as well as imposing a substantial societal burden. ChatGPT could offer a potential diagnostic list when a patient presents with ambiguous and complex symptoms, which may reduce unnecessary costs.

The diagnostic accuracy for prevalent diseases was higher than rare diseases, a discrepancy attributed to potential bias within the training dataset. It may be associated with the clinical data and resources available for common diseases compared to rare diseases. Elevating the model’s efficacy in handling a diverse spectrum of rare cases relies on providing more the patient-specific content in future updates.

ChatGPT holds potential for the progression of medicine, yet concurrently, it presents the potential limitations. The accuracy of the generated text is contingent upon the model’s training, potentially resulting in misinformation or misleading interpretations. Besides, ChatGPT’s training data may not comprehensively encompass the more recent advancements, which typically on data up to September 2021. Hallucinations, omissions, and errors have been documented through the utilization of ChatGPT.28–30 These factors may contribute to contradictory or erroneous responses. When considering the utilization of ChatGPT-based research, it is essential to account for ethical concerns and data governance, especially for privacy regulations and data security. Compliance with relevant legal standards, the patient data utilized for training ChatGPT is essential to undergo anonymization to maintain privacy. Researchers must ensure secure collection, storage, and usage of biomedical data. Alex31 concluded that the largest barriers to the implementation of ChatGPT in clinical practice are deficits in situational awareness, inference, and consistency. Patients have very complex medical, social, and psychiatric backgrounds, which often requires a rigorous logical reasoning process, personal experience and even intuition. Only real doctors can play the role of comprehensive judgment and clinical treatment, ChatGPT is used as a tool to support clinical practice. Maintaining the accuracy and reliability of the content generated by ChatGPT is paramount, the repercussions of inaccuracy in medicine can be devastating, especially for patients or trainees lacking the prerequisite knowledge or experiential foundation. Hence, researchers should verify the information provided by LLMs with current and reputable medical sources,32 ensuring the safety and efficacy of clinical diagnoses.

The limitation of our study is the sample size, we only included Chinese case reports, contributing to a limitation in the breadth of results. Another limitation is the absence of comparisons with other search engines like Google Bard and Bing. Previous studies have suggested that ChatGPT outperformed Google Bard.33–35


ChatGPT serves as an important ally in the medical realm, offering healthcare professionals a valuable opportunity for collaboration. Subsequent research could focus on integrating ChatGPT with existing electronic health record. The integrated model holds the capability to combine the specialized knowledge of medical experts with the capabilities of ChatGPT, thereby elevating the quality of responses and facilitating personalized clinical decision-making. To enhance the credibility in clinical decision-making, it is necessary to improve the transparency of ChatGPT. This can be achieved by advancing AI algorithms, enabling healthcare professionals to comprehend the rationale underpinning the model’s recommendations. Additionally, the incorporation of medical experts group’s feedback mechanisms emerges as a pivotal facet of the ongoing optimization process, empowering healthcare professionals to rectify and fine-tune the model’s recommendations. We hope that there will be more refined medical scenarios of the application of the product to come out, really make doctors and patients benefit.


This work was supported by Shenzhen High-level Hospital Construction Fund (G2022006).


The authors report no conflicts of interest in this work.


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