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Papers published by Prof. Dr. Marcelo Jordão Lopes da Silva:

A Retrospective Comparison of Ahmed Glaucoma Valve Implants with or without Ologen Collagen Matrix

Suzuki Junior ER, Maestrini HA, Ruppert ADP, Seixas RCS, Belfort AF, de Miranda Santos HD, Basile Neto A, Balbino M, Lopes da Silva MJ

Clinical Ophthalmology 2023, 17:15-23

Published Date: 4 January 2023

Mid-Term Evaluation of iStent Inject® Trabecular Micro-Bypass Stent Implantation with or without Phacoemulsification: A Retrospective Study

Silveira Seixas RC, Balbino M, Basile Neto A, de Alcantara Almeida Costa A, Jordão MLS, Russ HHA

Clinical Ophthalmology 2020, 14:4403-4413

Published Date: 16 December 2020

Safety and efficacy of fixed-combination travoprost/timolol in patients with open-angle glaucoma or ocular hypertension not controlled with timolol monotherapy

Jordão MLS, Hatanaka M, Ogundele A, Moraes Silva MR, Vessani RM

Clinical Ophthalmology 2014, 8:1527-1534

Published Date: 18 August 2014