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Papers published by Dr Ramires Alsamir Tibana:

Comparison of percentage body fat and body mass index for the prediction of inflammatory and atherogenic lipid risk profiles in elderly women

Funghetto SS, de Oliveira Silva A, Sousa NMF, Stival MM, Tibana RA, Pereira LC, Antunes MLC, Lima LR, Prestes J, Oliveira RJ, Dutra MT, Souza VC, da Cunha Nascimento D, de Oliveira Karnikowski MG

Clinical Interventions in Aging 2015, 10:247-253

Published Date: 13 January 2015

Sustained effect of resistance training on blood pressure and hand grip strength following a detraining period in elderly hypertensive women: a pilot study

Nascimento D da C, Tibana RA, Benik FM, Fontana KE, Neto FR, de Santana FS, Santos-Neto L, Silva RAS, Silva AO, Farias DL, Balsamo S, Prestes J

Clinical Interventions in Aging 2014, 9:219-225

Published Date: 20 January 2014

Decreased functional capacity and muscle strength in elderly women with metabolic syndrome

Vieira DCL, Tibana RA, Tajra V, da Cunha Nascimento D, Farias DL, Oliveira Silva A, Teixeira TG, Fonseca RMC, de Oliveira RJ, dos Santos Mendes FA, Rodrigues Martins W, Funghetto SS, Karnikowski MGO, Navalta JW, Prestes J

Clinical Interventions in Aging 2013, 8:1377-1386

Published Date: 9 October 2013

Inflammatory status in older women with and without metabolic syndrome: is there a correlation with risk factors?

Oliveira Silva A, Tibana RA, Karnikowski MGO, Funghetto SS, Prestes J

Clinical Interventions in Aging 2013, 8:361-367

Published Date: 27 March 2013

Exercise order affects the total training volume and the ratings of perceived exertion in response to a super-set resistance training session

Balsamo S, Tibana RA, Nascimento DC, Farias GL, Petruccelli Z, Santana FS, Martins OV, Aguiar F, Pereira GB, Souza JC, Prestes J

International Journal of General Medicine 2012, 5:123-127

Published Date: 10 February 2012