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Dr Bethany Spielman

Dr Bethany Spielman

Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Bethany Spielman
Dr. Bethany Spielman, M.H.A., Ph.D., J.D. is associate professor of medical humanities and health law at Southern Illinois University’s School of Medicine and School of Law, and director of the medical school’s medical ethics program.

Her research focuses on the intersection of law and bioethics, with particular focus in several areas: clinical ethics consultation and other manifestations of institutionalized ethics; organ and tissue donation, and geriatrics. Her current work focuses on international law and ethical norms in human subjects research.

Dr. Spielman’s most recent book, Bioethics in Law, is held by more than 300 law, medicine, university, and national libraries in 16 countries and was reviewed in the New England Journal of Medicine. Her publications have been cited in more than 250 medical, legal, scientific, nursing, and humanities journals and books in English, Spanish, French, German and Serbian, including in the Irish government’s recent report Ethical Review and Children’s Research in Ireland.

Dr. Spielman has served on numerous editorial boards and grant review panels, and guest edited an issue of the Journal of Law, Medicine, and Ethics based on a symposium she co-chaired on ethics expert testimony.