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Papers published by Dr Joan Besalduch:

Gemcitabine and oxaliplatinum: an effective regimen in patients with refractory and relapsing Hodgkin lymphoma

Gutierrez A, Rodriguez J, Martinez-Serra J, Gines J, Paredes P, Garcia F, Vercher J, Balanzat J, del Campo R, Galan P, Morey M, Sampol A, Novo A, Bento L, García L, Bargay J, Besalduch J

OncoTargets and Therapy 2014, 7:2093-2100

Published Date: 13 November 2014

Fluorescence resonance energy transfer-based real-time polymerase chain reaction method without DNA extraction for the genotyping of F5, F2, F12, MTHFR, and HFE

Martinez-Serra J, Robles J, Nicolàs A, Gutierrez A, Ros T, Amat JC, Alemany R, Vögler O, Abelló A, Noguera A, Besalduch J

Journal of Blood Medicine 2014, 5:99-106

Published Date: 25 June 2014

xCELLigence system for real-time label-free monitoring of growth and viability of cell lines from hematological malignancies

Martinez-Serra J, Gutierrez A, Muñoz-Capó S, Navarro-Palou M, Ros T, Amat JC, Lopez B, Marcus TF, Fueyo L, Suquia AG, Gines J, Rubio F, Ramos R, Besalduch J

OncoTargets and Therapy 2014, 7:985-994

Published Date: 12 June 2014