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Papers published by Prof. Dr. Olivier Guerin:

Inertial sensors as measurement tools of elbow range of motion in gerontology

Sacco G, Turpin JM, Marteu A, Sakarovitch C, Teboul B, Boscher L, Brocker P, Robert P, Guerin O

Clinical Interventions in Aging 2015, 10:491-497

Published Date: 23 February 2015

Detection of activities of daily living impairment in Alzheimer's disease and mild cognitive impairment using information and communication technology

Sacco G, Joumier V, Darmon N, Dechamps A, Derreumaux A, Lee JH, Piano J, Bordone N, Konig A, Teboul B, David R, Guerin O, Bremond F, Robert P

Clinical Interventions in Aging 2012, 7:539-549

Published Date: 4 December 2012