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Psychology Research and Behavior Management

ISSN: 1179-1578

Journal Articles:

Urban densification, crowding, access to nature and their impact on human well-being and nature connectedness

One of the most important pathways linking contact with nature to mental well-being may be its relaxing and restorative effect. The need for this type of experience may be higher in high density residential settings, especially if there are also other stressors at play, such as limited indoor space (per person), financial worries, and conflicting lifestyles within the apartment building or neighborhood. At the same time, natural areas and elements that afford relaxing and restorative experiences may be less prevalent in this type of residential environment. This may not only be due to a lower presence of nature, but also due to qualitative issues, such as social safety and privacy, being compromised. This Article Collection focuses on how the combination of higher population densities and dwindling access to nature will affect the mental well-being of future populations.