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Nature and Science of Sleep

ISSN: 1179-1608

The following Article Collections/ Thematic Series are currently open for submissions:

The Interplay Between Sleep and Pain

Dove Medical Press is pleased to invite you to submit your research to an upcoming Article Collection on "The Interplay Between Sleep and Pain" in Nature and Science of Sleep.

Among individuals with chronic pain, more than half suffer from sleep problems. Emerging evidence from different settings and methodological approaches suggests that sleep problems can lead to a greater risk and poorer prognosis for chronic pain conditions. This has led to the view that sleep and pain perpetuate and exacerbate each other. 

To develop more refined therapeutic strategies for individuals suffering from pain and sleep problems, we need a better understanding concerning the long-term trajectories of these conditions, the impact of sleep quality on pain management, and the underlying mechanisms of the sleep-pain relationship. 

Important questions remain about the role of sleep in the treatment of chronic pain, including what components of the sleep therapy are useful, in what format, and whether targeting sleep problems is effective for all types of patients. 

Moreover, technological innovations may offer great potential for a better understanding of the impact of different sleep characteristics in the development and clinical course of different types of chronic pain – knowledge that may have great implications for healthcare policy and clinical practice. 

We seek rigorous and high-quality observational, experimental, or intervention-based studies in the area of sleep and pain to address gaps in knowledge. We will consider reviews/meta-analyses, expert opinions, and commentaries if they make a significant contribution to the field. 

Topics of interest include: 

  • The impact of sleep quality on pain management, including pharmacological and non-pharmacological approaches for the management of sleep problems
  • Mechanisms contributing to the sleep-pain relationship
  • Longitudinal studies and factors influencing the sleep-pain relationship
  • Causal approaches that address confounding and/or reverse causation
  • Technological innovations and their clinical relevance in individuals with sleep and pain
  • Population-specific considerations (e.g., psychosocial and sociodemographic factors)

Guest Advisor 

Dr. Eivind Schjelderup Skarpsno

Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway

Submission Instructions

All manuscripts submitted to this Article Collection will undergo full peer-review; Guest Advisors will not be handling submitted articles. Please review the journal’s aims and scope and author instructions prior to submission.

Please submit your manuscript through the Dovepress website. During submission, enter the promo code ZATAE to indicate that your article should be considered for this Collection. Standard article publishing charges apply.

The manuscript submission deadline is 1 October 2024. If you have any questions about this Article Collection, please contact Krista Thom at [email protected].

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The Fundamentals of Sleep-Wake and Consciousness

Dove Medical Press is pleased to invite you to submit your research to an upcoming Article Collection on "The Fundamentals of Sleep-Wake and Consciousness" in Nature and Science of Sleep.

Consciousness remains one of the most elusive and fascinating mysteries of life. Every day and night, human beings and other species naturally transition between consciousness and unconsciousness, i.e., between wakefulness and sleep. A disruption of this process can result in sleep-wake disorders, such as central disorders of hypersomnolence, parasomnia, or insomnia. However, the alteration of consciousness or presence of unconsciousness is not limited to sleep-wake cycles but includes other prominent examples such as anesthesia, disorders of consciousness (e.g. due to brainstem lesions), epilepsy, and neuro-psychiatric disorders (e.g., encephalitis or psychosis).

The identification of essential brain structures and their associated networks involved in the regulation of sleep-wake functions and other altered states of consciousness is key to the understanding of the formation and modulation of consciousness. This fundamental pillar of neuroscience contributes to the understanding of (patho)physiology and forms the foundation for diagnosis, prognostication, and therapeutic approaches of many disorders.

We welcome original articles, study protocols, and reviews (narrative and systematic) that highlight new advances and provide insight into the fundamentals of sleep and consciousness. Although submissions should be sleep-wake related, this call emphasizes inter- and transdisciplinary research.

  • Areas of interest include but are not limited to:
  • Theoretical concepts
  • Innovative study protocols
  • Novel methodologies for monitoring sleep and consciousness
  • The impact of circadian rhythms on sleep-wake and consciousness
  • New therapeutic concepts for improving sleep-wake functions and promotion of consciousness
  • Public health implications of disorders affecting sleep-wake and consciousness

There is no restriction on species.

Guest Advisor

Dr. David Schreier, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA

Submission Instructions

All manuscripts submitted to this Article Collection will undergo full peer-review; Guest Advisors will not be handling submitted articles. Please review the journal’s aims and scope and author instructions prior to submission.

Please submit your manuscript through the Dovepress website. During submission, enter the promo code VVTXY to indicate that your article should be considered for this Collection. Standard article publishing charges apply.

The manuscript submission deadline is 15 November 2024. If you have any questions about this Article Collection, please contact Krista Thom at [email protected].

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Dreaming of Victory: The Influence of Sleep on Athletic Performance

Dove Medical Press is pleased to invite you to submit your research to an upcoming Article Collection on "Dreaming of Victory: The Influence of Sleep on Athletic Performance" in Nature and Science of Sleep.

The intricate relationship between sleep and athletic performance is an emerging field of interest within sports science and medicine. This Article Collection seeks to explore and deepen our understanding of how sleep impacts the physical and mental capabilities of athletes. We aim to address the dynamic interplay between sleep patterns and athletic performance, acknowledging the crucial role that rest and recovery play in achieving peak performance levels.

Recent studies underscore the significance of sleep as a cornerstone of athletic recovery and performance enhancement. Insufficient or disrupted sleep can severely impair cognitive functions, mood, and physiological recovery, leading to decreased performance and increased injury risk. However, there is a pressing need for evidence-based interventions and strategies tailored to the unique lifestyle and stressors of this population. This call for research aims to fill the gap in our current understanding and provide actionable insights for athletes, coaches, and practitioners.

We invite contributions that shed light on the multifaceted relationship between sleep and athletic performance. Submissions may cover a range of topics, including, but not limited to:

  • The effects of sleep quality and quantity on physical performance.
  • The impact of travel, training schedules, and psychological stress on sleep patterns.
  • The effectiveness of various sleep intervention strategies tailored for athletes.
  • The importance of napping on cognitive performance.

We welcome original research articles, systematic reviews, and meta-analyses that contribute to our understanding of how to optimize sleep for enhancing athletic performance and recovery.

By focusing on intervention research, this collection aims to offer new perspectives and evidence-based recommendations to improve sleep health among elite athletes. We encourage submissions from a diverse array of disciplines to foster a holistic understanding of the topic.

This call for papers represents an exciting opportunity for researchers and practitioners to advance the science of sleep and athletic performance. Join us in contributing to a specialized Collection that promises to inform best practices and foster innovative approaches to athlete health and well-being.

Guest Advisor

Matt Driller, Associate Professor in Sport and Exercise Science, La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia

Submission Instructions

All manuscripts submitted to this Article Collection will undergo full peer-review; Guest Advisors will not be handling submitted articles. Please review the journal’s aims and scope and author instructions prior to submission.

Please submit your manuscript through the Dovepress website. During submission, enter the promo code EABZJ to indicate that your article should be considered for this Collection. Standard article publishing charges apply.

The manuscript submission deadline is 30 September 2024. If you have any questions about this Article Collection, please contact Krista Thom at [email protected].

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Call For Papers

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What is the advantage to you of publishing in Nature and Science of Sleep?

  • It is an open access journal which means that your paper is available to anyone in the world to download for free directly from the Dove website.
  • Unlike many traditional journals, your paper will not be rejected due to lack of space. We are an electronic journal and there are no limits on the number or size of the papers we can publish.
  • The time from submission to a decision being made on a paper can, in many journals, take some months and this is very frustrating for authors. Nature and Science of Sleep has a quicker turnaround time than this. Generally peer review is complete within 3-4 weeks and the editor’s decision within 2-14 days of this. It is therefore very rare to have to wait more than 6 weeks for first editorial decision.
  • Many authors have found that our peer reviewer’s comments substantially add to their final papers.

To recover our editorial and production costs and continue to provide our content at no cost to readers we charge authors or their institution an article publishing charge.

PubMed Central
Nature and Science of Sleep is indexed on PubMed Central (title abbreviation: Nat Sci Sleep). All published papers in this journal are submitted to PubMed for indexing straight away.

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Yours sincerely
Professor Ahmed S. BaHammam
Nature and Science of Sleep

Email: Editor-in-Chief