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International Journal of Women's Health

ISSN: 1179-1411

Journal Articles:

Abortion: accessibility and safety

This Thematic Series investigates how modern healthcare approaches abortion and the external factors influencing the accessibility and safety of these services. Health economic impacts, incidence rates in nations where it is legal and those where it is not, accessibility of different types of abortion and related laws are assessed in relation to an individual’s health. The Series also explores the safety of current prescriptions, the likelihood of complications, psychological responses and the very real dangers of illegal or self-managed abortions.

Step by Step in Argentina: Putting Abortion Rights into Practice

Ramos S, Keefe-Oates B, Romero M, Ramon Michel A, Krause M, Gerdts C, Yamin AE

International Journal of Women's Health 2023, 15:1003-1015

Published Date: 11 July 2023

The Association Between Self-Managed versus Clinician-Managed Abortion and Self-Reported Abortion Complications: A Cross-Sectional Analysis in India

Goemans S, Singh A, Yadav AK, McDougal L, Raj A, Averbach SH

International Journal of Women's Health 2023, 15:1467-1473

Published Date: 28 September 2023