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International Journal of Women's Health

ISSN: 1179-1411

Journal Articles:

Prediction and prevention of preterm birth

Preterm birth is defined as live birth occurring before 37 completed weeks of gestation, which affects 5-18% of pregnancies and accounts for around 15 million newborns worldwide annually. It is a complex syndrome resulting from the interplay of multiple pathologic processes, as well as a major cause of neonatal and childhood morbidity and mortality. The earlier the gestation at delivery, the higher the risk of neonatal death. This Article Collection contains original articles, reviews, and perspectives addressing new insights, challenges, and available knowledge on prediction and prevention of preterm birth, a crucial issue in maternal and child health.

Preterm Birth: Screening and Prediction

Creswell L, Rolnik DL, Lindow SW, O'Gorman N

International Journal of Women's Health 2023, 15:1981-1997

Published Date: 21 December 2023