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Dr Valentina Alfonsi

Dr Valentina Alfonsi

Department of Psychology, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy

Dr. Valentina Alfonsi, PhD, is a Cognitive-Behavioral Therapist and a Postdoctoral Researcher in the Laboratory of Sleep Psychophysiology at the University of Rome "Sapienza", Italy. She obtained her PhD in Psychology and Cognitive Science in 2020, during which she conducted several studies investigating the effects of non-invasive brain stimulation techniques for modulating sleepiness and vigilance levels.

Dr. Alfonsi's research spans across both basic science and clinical research areas, including sleep psychophysiology, sleep disorders and sleep-related performance. Her particular interest lies in understanding the consequences of altered sleep/wake patterns on health, performance, sleepiness, and vigilance. Specifically, her research has focused on examining the impact of night-shift work on sleep quality, sleepiness, and psychomotor vigilance among healthcare workers. Additionally, she has conducted studies examining the effects of delayed school start times on sleep patterns, sleepiness, and academic performance among adolescents.

Dr. Alfonsi's contributions to the field of sleep research are reflected in her body of work, which includes over 40 original publications and book chapters in international peer-reviewed journals. Her dedication to advancing our understanding of sleep-related phenomena and their implications for health and performance is evident in the broad spectrum of research she has conducted.

Updated 28 November 2023