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Oncolytic Virotherapy ceased publishing in January 2023. All articles that have been published in Oncolytic Virotherapy will continue to be available on the Dove Press site, and will be securely archived with CLOCKSS.

Oncolytic Virotherapy

ISSN: 2253-1572


Call For Papers

Editor-in-Chief: Dr Faris Farassati

Dear Colleagues,

It is with great pleasure to announce the inauguration of the "Oncolytic Virotherapy" by Dove Press as the premier source of information in the area of Oncolytic Viruses Research.

Oncolytic viruses are a novel class of anti-cancer agents which in many cases have entered clinical trials. These viruses are capable of attacking cancer cells in a distinctive manner leading to cell-specific and targeted tumor therapy. Although Oncolytic Viruses range from natural (without modifications) to genetically engineered viruses, a common feature for all of them is their capability in preferentially targeting cancer cells. The mechanism for such specificity can differ anywhere from interaction between the virus and cells to transcriptional targeting, cell membrane targeting and arming viruses with cytotoxic elements. Oncolytic Virotherapy represents an exciting field, and it is our intention to present your elegant work in our journal in the most effective manner.

Come, join us and be a part of this sensational and enthusing chapter in the battle against cancer!

To see where Oncolytic Virotherapy is indexed online view the Journal Metrics

What is the advantage to you of publishing in Oncolytic Virotherapy?

  • It is an open access journal which means that your paper is available to anyone in the world to download for free directly from the Dove website.
  • Unlike many traditional journals, your paper will not be rejected due to lack of space. We are an electronic journal and there are no limits on the number or size of the papers we can publish.
  • The time from submission to a decision being made on a paper can, in many journals, take some months and this is very frustrating for authors. Oncolytic Virotherapy has a quicker turnaround time than this. Generally peer review is complete within 3-4 weeks and the editor’s decision within 2-14 days of this. It is therefore very rare to have to wait more than 6 weeks for first editorial decision.
  • Many authors have found that our peer reviewer’s comments substantially add to their final papers.

To recover our editorial and production costs and continue to provide our content at no cost to readers we charge authors or their institution an article publishing charge.

PubMed Central
Oncolytic Virotherapy is indexed on PubMed Central (title abbreviation Oncolytic Virother). All published papers in this journal are submitted to PubMed for indexing straight away.

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Yours sincerely
Dr Faris Farassati
Oncolytic Virotherapy

Email: Editor-in-Chief